Saturday, July 24, 2010


Not the most dynamic puppy on Earth.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Racial harmony day

Il n'y a qu'a Singapour ou il y a un 'racial harmony day'. Les enfants sont supposes venir a l'ecole en costume traditionnel. Probleme; Vy-Van n'a pas de ao dai, ou de sabots lorrains. Alors on l'a habillee en chinoise (mais bon techniquement, elle a un arriere-arriere grand pere chinois, donc ca marche!)

Friday, July 2, 2010

A quoi ressemble Lijiang?

The town has a history going back more than 800 years and was once a confluence for trade along the old tea horse road. The Lijiang old town is famous for its orderly system of waterways and bridges. The old town of Lijiang differs from other ancient Chinese cities in architecture, history and the culture of its traditional residents the Nakhi people, therefore people there are called 胖金哥 and 胖金妹 (male and female respectively).

Lijiang old town (including Dayan, Baisha and Shuhe) was registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List in December 4, 1997.[1] Since then, the local government has taken more responsibility for the development and protection of the old city. Lijiang's tourism also boomed, and travellers from around the world flooded in; although many locals fear that due to much of the development, the old town of Lijiang will lose its appeal.
Recently, the government has started to develop additional "old city" sections adjacent to the site of the original old city. This is to accommodate the large number of tourists who walk the cobblestone streets (cars are not allowed in the old city), typically as part of package tours. Evenings in the old city can be particularly rowdy, not least due to the many outdoor bars, where boisterous groups of tourists try to outsing other groups.

Apres les vacances, la rentree !

Premiers jours d'ecole pour Vy Van.

Yak yogurt (au vrai lait de yak)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Colchique dans les pres

Dans le Yunnan a Lijiang

Superbe petite vieille ville dans le sud de la Chine.

Apprendre le chinois

A l'expo de Shanghai !

Et nous voici avec les pavillons de la Chine, de la France, du Royaume-Uni et du Maroc.
(Sans oublier la mascotte)